TV EYE : TVLI customized by Drs. Abdul Wahab
TV EYE customized by Amenk Mufti Priyayinka
TV EYE : SUGAR RUSH by Amalia Kartika a.k.a Loveshugah
TV EYE : FOO DOO GLOW SKUL customized by Istasius Praditya
TV EYE : OUTSIDE customized by Aram Kaleva
TV EYE : BOXER EATER SQUID customized by Brian H. a.k.a Breeanz
TV EYE : ANOTHER TV customized by Astronaut Boys
TV EYE customized by Arian 13
TV EYE customized by Cikcuk
TV EYE : I’LL BE YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE customized by Darbotz
TV EYE customized by Farid Stevy Asta
TV EYE : I BROKEN THE TV BECAUSE THE GOLD customized by Freddy Candra
TV EYE customized by Harry Prast
TV EYE : TV GIRL customized by Hendra Hehe
TV EYE customized by Krisna Widhiatama
TV EYE customized by Terra Bajragosha a.k.a Robotgoblok
TV EYE : UNTITLED customized by Wedhar Riyadi
TV EYE : NO NAME customized by Uji “Hahan” Handoko
TV EYE : LOL customized by Satriya Aggun P. a.k.a The Sompret
TV EYE : T-27 customized by Yudi Sulistyo
TV EYE : RED EMPEROR customized by Radi Arwinda
TV EYE : CHO CHE CIN CAKE customized by Yina Yunistia a.k.a Pinkversusblack

TV EYE : CAN’T TAKE MY EYES OF YOU customized by Iwan Effendi

TV EYE : PERI PENCABUT GIGI customized by Erwin Herisusanto a.k.a Iwank Yellowteeth

TV EYE : BUTO customized by KOMA (Indo)

TV EYE : A BOY TV JUNKLE customized by Mulyana Yusuf a.k.a Muloyoung

TV EYE : 72 YOU, 96 FOR ME by Narpati Awangga a.k.a Oomleo

TV EYE : R.E.W.H.I.P.E customized by Recycle Experience

TV EYE : AWAS MALING customized by Rony Sanjaya

TV EYE : SWEET BLACK customized by Yudi Andhika a.k.a The Yellow Dino

TV EYE : KURT COBAIN SAID : “I’D RATHER BE HATED FOR WHO I’M, THAN LOVED FOR WHO I’M NOT” customized by meizan diandra a.k.a Tell Them
First TV Eye launching at Lou Belle, Bandung.

Second TV Eye launching at ARTJOG 2011

TV Eye
Year: 2011
After many exploration and produce lots of work made by various media whether it is 2 or 3 dimension, on 2011 Indieguerillas finally created a resin based toy figure named “TV EYE”. TV Eye character is based on Javanese culture images through popular vocabulary (Bagong’s bulky stature and Gatot Kaca’s wings represented as Superman), Indieguerillas invites artists to collaborate to make an army of TV figures who are at once hated and beloved by the current generation. On it first appeareance, Indieguerillas invite 26 artists from selected city in Indonesia to collaborate on event “TV EYE LAUNCHING EXHIBITION AND CUSTOM SHOW” titled “Happy Shocks, Victim Shakes, Guerillas Rawks” at Lou Belle Shop – Bandung on 7 – 14 Mei 2011. This project now is still going on and many more artists will be join. Collaborators : The Yellow Dino (BDG), Marine R. aka JOUWE (BDG), Tell Them (BDG), Astronautboys (BDG), Recycle Experience (BDG), Manuel H. aka CIKCUK (GER), Amalia Kartika (BDG), Brian H. (BDG), Rajaya Yogaswara (BDG), Radi Arwinda (BDG), PinkVersusBlack (JKT), Arian13 (JKT), Darbotz (JKT), KOMA (INDO) (JKT), Aram Kaleva (JKT), Muloyoung (JKT), Narpati Awangga a.k.a Oomleo (JKT), The Sompret (JKT), Farid Stevy Asta (YK), Terra B. (YK), Iwan Effendi (YK), Wedhar Riyadi (YK), Yudi Sulistya (YK), Uji Hahan Handoko (YK), Fredy Chandra (YK) & Hendra Hehe (YK).