
Taman Budaya : Galeri Nginjen

Nginjen Gallery offers a new alternative on the spatial concept of a gallery. The showroom does not have to be extensive, static and clean. For Indieguerillas, artworks can be presented anywhere. It is dynamic, not always neat nor exclusive. Nginjen (peeking) is a way to see the works on display, which is different from most galleries that allow the viewer to see the works fully.



Taman Budaya: Goyang Cukur

Haircuts are no longer that simple. This brief, under-10 minute activity affects not only your hair and face shape, but also your charm. Hair is now a commodity. Rarely do we find native Maduranese barbers working under shady trees. The haircut has entered a special and mechanically organized space. Prestige is now a benchmark and the haircut is becoming increasingly exclusive. Goyang Cukur asks the customer to reconnect organically with his barber, to compromise and work together to obtain the best results.


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Taman Budaya: Face off Face Dinner

The Javanese philosophy “mangan ora mangan sing penting kumpul” contains a noble social value that prioritizes togetherness (kumpul) rather than simply fulfilling the personal needs of eating (mangan). This Javanese philosophy has evolved with time. Eating is a momentum of togetherness, but the pattern of interactions indicate how we no longer belong in the same psychological reality. We are too busy looking into our small screens that connect us to the ‘other world’, bringing conversation down to minimal and concluding dinner with no lasting impression. Through this work Indieguerillas wants to see how people respond when a big screen is present during their meals. Will they remain preoccupied?


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Taman Budaya: Green Box

Green Box attempts to highlight the shrinking number of paddy fields, both in urban and rural areas and how this shortage influences our attitude towards nature. Shortage of space results in modified rice, yet we continue to consume space with no regard to existing vegetation and ecosystems. At some point we must relearn to live with nature. Ironically, though, humans are derived from nature, they conquer nature, they depend on nature but they are also alienated from nature. Now we live in a concrete jungle with a looming food crisis ahead of us.



Taman Budaya: The Holy Market

In a romance, the poet Ranggawarsita once said that the market will lose its popularity in the future. Now, we can see that the market has changed and transaction patterns have shifted. We no longer feel the need to haggle with sellers at the market. Technology shortens the pattern of interaction/transaction into just one click, and we think that as progress. There is no longer the hustle and bustle of traditional markets. How does this affect the fate of the traditional market traders? This work is a monument that perpetuates the memories of direct interaction in markets.


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Taman Budaya: Meditative Space

”Meditative Space” urges us to reconsider faith, a matter so close and yet so distant. Faith is often characterized by a person’s intensity of worship and the symbols one wears. How does this practice bring our hearts to a transcendental relationship with God? Are our hearts really in it?


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Taman Budaya: The Dakon

Who still plays the “Dakon”? Dakon is a traditional game that is fast disappearing as it is replaced by the strings of advanced technology of the era. Dakon taught us to interact with friends who are playing with us in the flesh, counting steps and going through each one until you finally reach the final hole. In each hole there is a message or a quote that reflects on our current life. Dakon invites us to always hold on to the past, i.e. history, as a guideline for the future.


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Taman Budaya: No Bed Rest for The Wicked

Time is no longer just hours, minutes and seconds. Time is money-an idiom that is often said lately. Time is an expensive thing. So much time is spent on work-chasing whatever it is we are chasing. Often we are haunted by the fear of losing time and we attempt to rest in anxiety. Fear is considered normal, even part of the task. We forsake pleasure, sacrifice living and even forget the meaning of life itself. Humans feel alone in such a world, the so-called alienation in modern society i.e. the lonely crowd.


Taman Budaya

Year: 2015

Exhibited at: ArtJog 2015