Punkers Agraris
2 X 2m
Acrylic On Canvas
The Wisdom of The Fools
4 object, Glass, Lamp, Acrylic on Resin
Otot Kawat Balung Wesi
1,5x1meter (2 objects)
Fabric & Acrylic on Resin
I Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere, Just Shoot Me!
2,5 X 1,5m
Acrylic On Canvas
Oregon is Godzilla!
2,5 X 1,5m
Acrylic On Canvas
Hello Scenester
Digital Print on Canvas
Heavy Make up for The Amnesiac
2 X 2,5m
Acrylic On Canvas
Hello Andy, This is Indie
2 X 3m
Acrylic On Canvas
All Hail The Mannequin King
2,5 X 1,5m
Acrylic On Canvas
Cholesterol Fueled (Mad Dancer)
2 X 2m
Acrylic On Canvas
Fools’lore : Folklore Reload
Year: 2008
Exhibited at: BIASA Artspace, Bali, Indonesia.
Curatorial Statement
Fools’lore is a play of word corresponding to the word folklore. The intentional double “o”s with the apostrophe sign created the new word: fools’lore. The word ‘fool’ is referring to someone who’s acting foolish, thus fool’slore is lore about foolish people. The sub-theme Folklore Reload tells the act of reloading Indonesian folklore with assorted contemporary versions.
Indieguerillas is a creative group from Yogyakarta, first established in 1999 by its two members: the married couple Santi Ariestyowanti with background in Visual Communication Design, and Dyatmiko “Miko” Bawono with his Interior Design background. Both are alums of Fine Art Faculty, Indonesia Art Institute, Yogyakarta. The Indieguerillas are known for their attention to the local folklore. They are also well known for their abilities in demonstrating many visual effects and inter-medium experiments in their art works.
In this project, they fooled around with pop visualization on folklore and reloaded the folklore with contemporary version. The fooling around produced surprising narration, and new visual compositions through the way they juxtaposed the symbols. This re-load practice brought forward a different image from the common “east-west” perception.
This is Fool’slore. It is a hybrid tale in a form of foolish stories, born from folklore and the spirit of popular culture. The Fools’lore: Folklore project is Indieguerilla’s way to bring a subversion of symbols against the black and white east-west identity.
Yogyakarta, 9 December 2008
Sudjud Dartanto, Exhibition Curator